It’s one of those nights! Three minutes before club starts, your Large Group Teacher texts you to say he’s working late and can’t make it. After a few unChristian-like thoughts about people who wait until the last minute to call, you panic. You rush around the church searching...searching for someone (ANYONE) who can do something (ANYTHING) to fill in the time.
Relax. Here are a dozen solutions to something that doesn’t really need to be a problem.
1. Videos- Keep one or two children’s videos or youtube videos ready to show on such a night.
2. Interview other leaders- How did they come to accept Jesus as Savior? What is their favorite Bible verse? Who is their favorite Bible Character
3. Plan a Bible drill- When a clubber is the first to find a verse, he or she gets an Awana share.Make a rule that clubbers can only read one verse apiece, so two or three clubbers don’t end up with all the shares. However, clubbers could be encouraged to participate after they have received a share by silently standing when they find a verse.
4. Have a second Small Group time- help clubbers get caught up in their books.
5. Utilize fun Bible story books- keep several fun Bible story books on hand for a night like this. Examples of books:
a. “Bible Wars and Weapons”
b. “Weird & Gross Bible Stuff”
c. “Bible Heroes and Bad Guys”
d. “Creepy Creatures & Bizarre Beasts from the Bible”
(all available from Amazon)
6. Acrostic- Provide markers and paper for each clubber. Instruct clubbers to create an acrostic by finding a verse of the Bible that begins with each letter of their name. As time allows, let clubbers share their acrostic. For example (Kim); K- Know that the LORD, He is God (Psalm 100:3)
b. I- It is a good thing to give thanks unto the LORD (Psalm 92:1)
c. M- Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands (Psalm 100:1)
7. Review the books of the Bible- See who can say them the fastest. Or print each book on a separate piece of paper or 3x5 card. Make two, three, or four sets, depending on the size of your group. Divide into teams and see which team can put the books in order the fastest. Make sure you mix “veteran” clubbers with the newer clubbers so the teams will be fair. Another option is to assign each clubber a different book and have all the clubbers line “themselves” up in order.
8. Quiz- Quiz the clubbers on their Bible knowledge. Options could be
a. Quiz from the handbooks
b. Keep a Bible quiz book or Bible Trivia game on hand.
c. Ask general Bible knowledge questions.
9.Bible Activity Book- Buy a reproducible Bible activities book with crossword puzzles, etc. Photo copy a supply and store them with your Awana supplies.
10.Sing- Talk about the meaning of the words in the songs.
11.Role Play- Divide the clubbers into four teams, each with a leader. Give the clubbers five minutes to develop a short role play concerning a particular subject: honesty, obedience, good attitude, etc. Then give each group opportunity to present its role play in front of the group.
12.Stump the leader- Ask each clubber to write down a question about the Bible. Then answer some of them. Save the others for future Large Group Times.