
Friday, June 16, 2017

Reaching lost kids

I recently had the opportunity to have lunch with a pastor in rural Nevada to talk with him about starting an Awana ministry at his church. After sharing with him about the importance of children's ministry, what Jesus thinks of children as depicted in Matthew 19:14, ie "Let the little children come to me..." and how he might use Awana to reach out into his community and bring new families into his church, this pastor told me something I have heard many times before.  "Awana is a great ministry, I love Awana, I'd love to start an Awana ministry at my church, BUT we don't have any children that come to our church".

My response was EXACTLY! I told him the very fact that he doesn't have any children come to his church is the very reason he should start an Awana ministry. I asked him to consider what if the Apostle Paul had said to himself "I'm not going to start any new churches until I can round up some Christians". Doesn't make sense does it, as one of the primary reasons for the church is to reach the lost.

I asked him to consider that Awana is not a ministry to find "bad" kids and make them "good", or to take good kids and make them better, rather Awana is a ministry to find dead kids and give them life through the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Please be praying for children and for pastors. Pastors have an incredibly difficult job; pray that they will view children's ministry not as something to keep kids busy while the adults "do real ministry", but that children are loved and cherished by God, that they are geniune souls to be saved and that they are legitimate members of the church.